All I wanted was to find a good, authentic online health food store. A simple google query established the effort was to be more difficult than I thought. Some of these online stores are doubtlessly more honest than others. There are a few red flags that I've noticed my research. First, it is probably a scam if the websiterequiresan annual fee to acquire a subscription. Helpful alternative health recommendations can easily be discovered for free from various web resources. If a website is trying to charge you for perfunctory, unspecialized advice it's indeed better to save your money. Another bad sign is a website asserting they own scientific knowledge that has in the rest of the medical community. This equals a conspiracy theory that probably doesn't exist. As with anything, anyone boasting to being the only one with the truth is probably peddling a false product. But don't be dispirited. There are still plenty of honest online resources to purchase alternative health practice. alternative health practice